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"Tizennégy Banda" (Half) album launch, concert and dance house

The duo of Nagy Zsolt and Mohácsy Albert, playing viola and double bass, has been making music together for 35 years – formerly in Méta, currently in the Dűvő band. Their recently released album, titled "Fourteen Band," was created in collaboration with leading musicians and members of top-notch orchestras. While their 2004 album "Twelve Band," created on a similar principle, featured selections from traditional Transylvanian folk music, this time they drew inspiration from the music of present-day Hungary and the Felvidék region. "Our guiding principles were not completeness or scientific rigor; rather, the tracks heard here were partly influenced by personal experiences and partly inspired by excellent archive recordings and collections. We aimed to focus on the unique and the unheard elsewhere, as well as to select music not only from Hungary but also from other ethnic groups living in the Carpathian Basin."

A dance house follows the stage peformance by Dűvő Band.

Ticket prices: in advance: 2000 HUF, on the day of the concert: 2500 HUF